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python easy_install moin 或 下载 moin-1.9.0 编译 设置 path 中有 moin.py #我这 参考 path = $PATH:/Python25/moin-1.9.0/MoinMoin/script # wikiconfig.py 下面我点下 参数 ,大家看代码 就知道了 vi /Python25/moin-1.9.0/wiki/config/ wikiconfig.py # instance_dir = '/where/ever/your/instance/is' instance_dir = wikiconfig_dir + ' /../ ' # Where your own wiki pages are (make regular backups of this directory): data_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, ' data-1 ' , '' ) # path with trailing / navi_bar = [ # If you want to show your page_front_page here: # u'%(page_front_page)s', u ' 标题 ' , u ' FindPage ' , u ' HelpContents ' , ] language_default = ' zh ' 在修改linux 时不起作用 : 修改/root/tools/moin-1.9.0/MoinMoin/script/server/standalone.py 全局先 运行: $>moin server standalone --config-dir=/root/wiki/mywiki/config/ --hostname= --port=18081 命令是可调参数: # /root/tools/moin-1.9.0/MoinMoin/script/server/standalone.py class PluginScript(MoinScript): def __init__ (self, argv, def_values): MoinScript. __init__ (self, argv, def_values) self.parser.add_option( " --docs " , dest = " docs " , help = " Set the documents directory. Default: use builtin MoinMoin/web/static/htdocs " ) self.parser.add_option( " --user " , dest = " user " , help = " Set the user to change to. UNIX only. Default: Don't change " ) self.parser.add_option( " --group " , dest = " group " , help = " Set the group to change to. UNIX only. Default: Don't change " ) self.parser.add_option( " --port " , dest = " port " , type = " int " , help = " Set the port to listen on. Default: 8080 " ) self.parser.add_option( " --hostname " , " --interface " , dest = " hostname " , help = " Set the ip/hostname to listen on. Use \ " \ " for all interfaces. Default: localhost " ) self.parser.add_option( " --start " , dest = " start " , action = " store_true " , help = " Start server in background. " ) self.parser.add_option( " --stop " , dest = " stop " , action = " store_true " , help = " Stop server in background. " ) self.parser.add_option( " --pidfile " , dest = " pidfile " , help = " Set file to store pid of moin daemon in. Default: moin.pid " ) self.parser.add_option( " --debug " , dest = " debug " , help = " Debug mode of server. off: no debugging (default), web: for browser based debugging, external: for using an external debugger. " ) #成功运行 后 2009-12-20 23:31:31,796 WARNING MoinMoin.log:139 using logging configuration read from built-in fallback in MoinMoin.log module! 2009-12-20 23:31:32,515 INFO werkzeug:106 * Running on 一些简单的语法介绍『其中 HelpOnDrawings 的功能 有“惊艳”的效果!!呵呵,自己搭建个自己的wiki 出来 看吧』 本文转自博客园刘凯毅的博客,原文链接: ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。